Recover deleted partition data with free data recovery program

♦ by Unknown Thursday 27 September 2012

Recover deleted partition data with free data recovery program

Article by Henri Lio

Recover deleted partition data with free data recovery program - Computers - Data Recovery

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The Disk Management Snap-in tool is a free data recovery program which helps in recovering the deleted Windows partition (NTFS or FAT32 dynamic volume). Whenever a dynamic volume is deleted it is actually the sector 0 which is deleted. That data can be restored from the backup boot sectors.

Things to remember before performing partition recovery:

The FAT 16 partition cannot be restored with the help of this method as there is no provision in it for back up boot sector. Also the RAID-5 or dynamic mirror volume cannot be restored with the help of this method. A Windows XP user would have to try the Windows XP Recovery Console for restoring the deleted data.

Steps for restoring the deleted NTFS Volume

The basic idea is to recreate the NTFS volume without actually formatting it. So a user should remember the exact size of the previous volume which was created.

First run the Dskprobe.exe tool for restoring the backup boot sector of the NTFS volume. This tool restores backup from the remotest corners. Search the backup boot sector with the help of Dmdiag.exe tool. Exit the Dskprobe program after rewriting the NTFS boot sector. In the Disk Management options select the Rescan Disks Tab from the Action menu. This would make the NTFS ready for instant use.

Steps for restoring the deleted FAT32 Volume

The basic idea is to recreate the FAT32 volume without actually formatting it. So a user should remember the exact size of the previous volume which was created.

First run the Dskprobe.exe tool for restoring the backup boot sector of the FAT32 volume. This tool restores backup from the remotest corners. Search the backup boot sector with the help of Dmdiag.exe tool. Exit the Dskprobe program after rewriting the FAT32 boot sector. In the Disk Management options select the Rescan Disks Tab from the Action menu. This would make the partition (FAT 32) ready for instant use.

Steps for restoring the deleted partition in Windows XP

First, Check whether the recovery console is installed on the Windows XP installation disc or not. If it is not installed then he would have to set the the startup option in Windows.

Insert the Windows CD, restart the computer then select the start boot option. Select the repair or recover (R) option when the startup begins. Select the repair or recover option for initiating boot from the CD. Provide the recovery commands and enter the Administrator password. For information on any other command Type "commandname" in the help menu:

Attrib: -R, +R,-S, +S, -H, +H, -C, +C

Notes: + Sets an attribute, - Resets an attribute, R Read-only file attribute, S System file attribute, H Hidden file attribute, C Compressed file attribute.

BATCH: batch inputfile [outputfile]

BOOTCFG: bootcfg /redirect com1 115200, bootcfg /redirect useBiosSettings

If the free data recovery program has not restored the Windows partition then a user would have to refer a specifically designed software. He can refer the RecoveryFIX for windows Data Recovery Program which restores partitions from any kind of situation.

About the Author

The author is a CTO with more than 2 decades of experience. He has mentioned the steps to use the free data recovery program for Windows data recovery. The program is known by the name of Disk Management Snap-in tool.

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Henri Lio

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