Good Cop/Bad Cop: Buying a Wii U at Launch

♦ by Unknown Sunday 28 October 2012

As we draw ever closer to the launch of Nintendo’s next console, the inevitable “you gonna buy one?” discussion arises, splintering friends and family apart with accusations of Nintendo fanboydom or, alternatively, predictable cynicism. Indeed, the Wii U isn’t a clear-cut purchase decision for consumers. It’s no PlayStation 4 or Xbox 720, seducing us with promises of graphical grunt and next-gen games, and Nintendo’s vision for the console hasn’t always been clear. Regardless, we’re still standing before the dawn of a new console era, and decisions must be made. Will you Wii U?

IGN Australia's Lucy O'Brien and Cam Shea battle it out in another classic IGN AU Good Cop / Bad Cop debate...

Good Cop Lucy: As you know Cam, I’m buying a Wii U. I do admit to a certain compulsion when it comes to emptying my wallet on new technology, but I’m genuinely excited about Nintendo’s console. I think we – as video game consumers – have become a little too attached to the same old experiences, and tend to raise eyebrows too quickly over new ones. It’s something I’m ever aware of, particularly as I boot up Resident Evil 4 for the five hundredth time of an evening. And I’ve certainly had enough hands-on time with the Wii U to determine that yes, this is a new and pretty damn exciting way to play video games, and I would be a moron to turn my back on it on misguided principle.

Take ZombiU, for example. This is a title that’s been built from the ground up for the Wii U (as are all the games I intend to purchase), and it simply couldn’t translate to any other platform. The implementation of two screens adds a sense of real fear – Ubisoft toying with where you focus your attention – and the implications for future horror titles are enormous. I’ve never played a game in this way before. It’s new.

Or look at what Nintendo is exploring with co-op. Rayman Legends and New Super Mario Bros. U both use the gamepad to bring a new dimension to the co-op experience by introducing god-like control to a single player, who can either prove an ally or a hilariously disruptive force. In Rayman Legends, the player with the gamepad is able to help out Rayman by cutting down ropes, lowering platforms, turning contraptions etc. Alternatively, the player with the gamepad could be a total dick, sending Rayman to his doom. The same goes for New Super Mario Bros. U’s Rush Mode, where the player with the gamepad can create platforms for the others. Or not. Whatever. While not revolutionary, these tweaks created the kind of hilarity and hysteria I haven’t experienced during a co-op session in a long time. How can you deny these experiences, Cam? How can you?

Bad Cop Cam: I'm not denying them in any way. Rayman Legends looks like a heap of fun, and it's certainly an interesting twist for Mario, but are they really enough to justify buying a new console on launch day? No way. Nintendo traditionally creates the killer app for its new systems itself, and I think that's what's missing here. Rayman Legends, New Super Mario Bros. U, ZombiU; they all look solid, but they're strong titles that should be complementing the game that makes the system a must-buy. Nintendo Land will serve as a good illustration of the possibilities for the new gamepad and multiplayer, but no one's going to be frothing at the bit to play it.

In terms of your point about consumers being attached to the same old experiences, that may be true, but I for one genuinely do want new ideas and new experiences. Nintendo has always been ahead of the curve, and systems like the DS and Wii have been driven by innovation. The DS and Wii, however, also show just how much of a lottery new ideas are. The DS is a fine example of giving game designers a whole suite of things to play with - many of which they didn't know they needed - and letting them experiment. The result was some truly novel and compelling games that could only exist on DS. The Wii, on the other hand, did much the same thing, yet for all its commercial success, didn't lead to much variety or gameplay innovation. Third parties, in particular, simply didn't support the system, and when they did they went for the lowest common denominator - i.e. tacky mini-game collections - and gamers were left with very little. I'm worried history may repeat itself.

The industry has changed a whole lot since the Wii launched too. ZombiU could conceivably be done with the Vita and PS3. Mobile phones, tablets and Smartglass are all bringing a second screen into the equation. Nintendo has to bring its own brand of magic to this system to make it stand apart, and I'm not seeing enough of that magic yet.

Good Cop Lucy: I get your point that there’s no first party killer app. But I think ZombiU is Wii U’s killer app, insofar as it’s shaping up to be a superb launch title with mechanics that really show off the system.  Mario, Pikmin et al are shaping up beautifully, but I’m picking up a Wii U on launch day because of a Ubisoft game, no doubt about it.

And I think you’re being a bit dismissive of Nintendo Land. There’s a common misconception that it’s going to be another Wii Sports – a sort of introductory package created so you can teach your grandparents how to virtually bowl – but there’s much more to it. In the team-based Pikmin Adventure – a fantastically fast-paced and surprisingly aggressive game – there are multiple levels, multiple enemy-types, and a (relatively) long campaign. Metroid Blast also has multiple arenas, and can be played in three modes. Even the single-player games included in the package, which feature simpler mechanics, have depth; Balloon Trip Breeze and Donkey Kong Crash Course are both considerably (at times ball-breakingly) challenging. There’s a lot to be gleaned from Nintendo Land, if people are willing to give it a chance.

As for your point about an industry-wide focus on connectivity, sure, you’re right. But it’s a muddied focus for other publishers, not something baked into their very hardware. What other console can so readily offer such unique asynchronous gameplay experiences right out of the box?

Bad Cop Cam: Why you dissing Wii Sports, O’Brien? I think that’s the perfect example of how to introduce what a new system is all about in a succinct and fun way. I had a sore shoulder from Wii Bowling for months. That’s actually what’s needed here. Right now the Wii U’s focus is on playing catch-up. It’s great that we’ll now see simultaneous PS3/360/Wii U releases and everything, but who’s buying a Wii U for the likes of NBA 2K13, FIFA 13, 007 Legends, Black Ops II, Darksiders II, Assassin’s Creed III, etc? You’d have to be a pretty die-hard Nintendo fan to not own a PS3 or 360 at this stage, in which case these releases don’t mean much. And Mass Effect 3? Arkham City? Does anyone need those, now?

The most exciting games in the near future for me are probably The Wonderful 101 and Scribblenauts Unlimited, which are both a blast, but I’m reticent to buy a system just for them. Longer term there’s Bayonetta 2 and, erm, what else? The Wii U version of Aliens: Colonial Marines should be the pick of the bunch (motion tracker on the gamepad and all that), but when I think of the games I’m most excited about next year, there aren’t that many on Wii U. BioShock Infinite, The Last of Us, South Park: The Stick of Truth, DmC, Beyond: Two Souls, SimCity, GTA V, Tearaway… where are the Wii U exclusives?

A system is defined by its games, and Wii U has a long way to go. Final thoughts Lucy?

Good Cop Lucy: Bottom line is, I’m investing in the Wii U because I want a new experience. It's not going to be all that Nintendo's promised straight out of the gate – as you said, the launch line-up could be stronger - but it’s a system that’s going to evolve, and I want to be there for the ride. Once content producers realise the possibilities of the platform, the Wii U has the potential to offer the most unique experiences in console gaming. Just look at some of the new approaches to platforming and horror that we’re already seeing! For a change, it’s not all about Zelda and Mario for me. It’s about the possibilities.

Bad Cop Cam: Well put. As much as I've argued that it may not be a day one purchase if you're strapped for cash, it really does have a stack of potential. Bring on launch day!

Lucy O'Brien and Cam Shea are part of the IGN Australian team. If you like what you're readin', meet the rest of the Aussies by joining the IGN Australia Facebook community or follow us on Twitter @IGN_AU.

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