IPL5 Round Robin: Alternate vs. Curse.eu

♦ by Unknown Thursday 25 October 2012

IPL5 Round Robin: Alternate vs. Curse.eu

Game One:


Bans: Evelynn, Zilean, Ezreal


Shen - Kerp (top) Graves - Metalx (adc) Blitzcrank - LeofromKorea (support) Ahri - ForellenLord (mid) Olaf - Kottenx (jungle)


Bans: Lee Sin, Rengar, Jayce


Sona - SuperAZE (support) Corki - Creaton (adc) Irelia - Angush (top) Cho'gath - hyrqBot (jungle) Orianna - Extinkt (mid)

ForellenLord doubled back in site of a ward and walked right into the entirety of Curse for and was killed before should could even Flash. The kill went to Irelia and both she and Olaf headed to bot lane. ATN made the most of catching Curse's duo lane as they travelled top and after three Flashes over the Baron wall, Corki went down and Crs lost their red buff. The side lanes swapped again while Cho'gath hung out in bot lane. ATN's duo lane arrived first and took Cho to half health. Olaf arrived for ATN as Corki and Sona showed up and Blitzcrank was able to land a clutch grab to get a kill on Sona. With both Shen and Ahri at level six, they coordinated a dive bot and successfully took a two for one, largely thanks to a ball handling issue which left Orianna's ult useless. ATN then put their team comp in full swing and went on to score ten unanswered kills. ATN let up a bit and dropped some kills back to back fights, but he damage had been done and ATN's double digit gold lead resulted in the ace that prompted the surrender vote from Curse just before 22 minutes.

ATN 1, Crs 0

Game Two:


Bans: Rengar, Blitzcrank, Skarner


Ezreal - Creaton (adc) Nunu - SuperAZE (support) Ahri - Extinkt (mid) Irelia - Angush (top) Shyvana - (sub) ImSoFresh (jungle)


Bans: Evelynn, Zilean, Jayce


Shen - Kerp (top) Blitzcrank - LeofromKorea (support) Twisted Fate - ForellenLord (mid) Graves - Metalx (adc) Cho'gath - Kottenx (jungle)

ATN tried to stay on the aggressive from the get go, but six minutes of attempted plays did not result in any kills. Sona nearly dropped Ezreral for first blood, but chased too far and was dropped by Nunu when he arrived. Shyvana picked up Graves as he retreated for a 2-0 start for Curse. Kottenx on Shen got ATN back on their feet with solid ults and Flash>taunts and was involved of all ten of ATN's kills in the first 15 minutes of the game. While Graves picked up kills, Ezreal had been pushing and farming, keeping his team slightly ahead in gold. Cho'gah became more and more tanky and was able to survive an Ahri ult after being caught out and ATN were able to win their first major engage of the game to take their first gold lead. Some lapses in judgement by ForellenLord saw him caught out twice in a row for free kills for Crs and they were able to regain the lead which they were able to build on by taking the middle inhibitor turret and their second dragon. ATN could not sustain another ForellenLord facecheck and Curse took all three inhibitos when TF went down once more. After a bit of dawdling, Curse put ATN down to send it to a game three.

ATN 1, Crs 1

Game Three:


Bans: Evelynn, Zilean, Ezreal


Shen - Kerp (top) Graves - Metalx (adc) Blitzcrank - LeofromKorea (support) Ahri - ForellenLord (mid) Olaf - Kottenx (jungle)


Bans: Skarner, Rengar, Jayce


Sona - SuperAZE (support) Lee Sin - (sub) ImSoFresh (jungle) Diana - Extinkt (mid) Corki - Creaton (adc) Jax - Angush (top)

Both teams went with traditional set ups from the start with ATN not wanting to put themselves behind by being overly aggressive. Blitzcrank and Graves were able to pick up first blood after a grab onto Sona, but Lee Sin was able to quickly snowball Diana and Jax with strong ganks, putting them both in stong control of their lanes. ATN could not resist attempting grouping up in an attempt to get back in the game, but the fed members of Crs were able to extend fight after fight long enough for Crs to win every engagement. The game spiralled out of all control for ATN and a surrender vote came through seconds after the 20 minute mark to end the 11-28 madness.

ATN 1, Crs 2

Key Team Fight: ATN's attempt to jump onto Angush as a fed and farmed Jax only served to shoot him further ahead as he picked up more kills and Curse were able to take more control of the rest of the map. ATN were already clearly frustrated by this point, but this move sealed their fate.

Most Valuable Player: Substitute ImSoFresh made all the difference in this match, winning both games he played by being a catalyst for his laners and denying objectives and kills from Alternate. His awareness and mechanical ability showed his prowess and how much of an asset to Eclypsia he is.

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

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