Sony Releases Third Mystery PlayStation Ad: The Aftermath

♦ by Unknown Monday, 22 October 2012

This morning, Sony has released a third mysterious video on YouTube, this one called The Aftermath. You can view it below.

In this ad, which runs for 19 seconds, the same woman from the first two videos (and from the Michael ad as well) walks down a corridor with keys in hand. As soon as you see her, you can see Sly Cooper’s staff hanging from the jail door on the left. One of the keys on the keyring she’s holding has a skull on it, perhaps a reference to MediEvil and its protagonist, Sir Daniel Fortesque.

Eventually, you see the ground in a room ahead, littered with bullets and a lone ice cream cone. The cone is no doubt a reference to Sweet Tooth. The bullets -- if this is indeed a PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale ad -- could be from Nathan Drake or, more likely, Colonel Radec from Killzone.

At the end, a man is sweeping up the bullets (this appears to be the barkeep from the Michael ad). He then picks up a large blade that appears to be the one Sweet Tooth uses. The same date that ended the last two videos -- 10.23.12 -- ends this one as well. That date , October 23rd, is this Tuesday.

With references to Sly Cooper, Sir Daniel Fortesque, Sweet Tooth and Colonel Radec, it seems clear now that these ads are aimed at PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, Sony’s biggest first party release of the fall for both PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita.

For reference, watch the video released this weekend, called The Arrival. In it, Ratchet & Clank, Jak & Daxter and Uncharted are referenced, with what appears to be Nathan Drake himself driving a jeep:

And feel free to watch the first of the three teaser videos -- The Reload -- which references Ape Escape and more:

And of course, let the speculation flow in the comments below, including what you've taken from these three videos. Perhaps most importantly though, what does the date signify? Does it have to do with PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale's beta, or is it something else?

Colin Moriarty is an IGN PlayStation editor. You can follow him on Twitter and IGN and learn just how sad the life of a New York Islanders and New York Jets fan can be.

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

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