Brad Bird Won't Direct Star Wars: Episode VII

♦ by Unknown Saturday 17 November 2012

Director Brad Bird (The Incredibles, Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol, The Iron Giant) has declared that he won't direct Star Wars: Episode VII.

Bird tweeted today in response to numerous fan inquiries, "Not doing Star Wars." He reiterated that his upcoming sci-fi film 1952 is not code for Episode VII: "It's not Episode VII." and "Nope. A science fiction film. Not Star Wars."

The filmmaker added, "But the science fiction film I AM doing is gonna be cool."

Bird closed with, "That said, Michael Arndt is a fantastic writer and Kathy Kennedy is a brilliant producer. I will be first in line to see the new STAR WARS."

So let's finally strike Brad Bird's name from the list of potential Star Wars: Episode VII directors, shall we?

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

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