Play Halo 4, Get Free Microsoft Points

♦ by Unknown Wednesday 7 November 2012

Microsoft has revealed that during the month of November, players can earn free Microsoft Points for playing Halo 4 multiplayer. Called the Halo 4 Combat Tour Offer, Microsoft will offer 10,000,000 Points in total throughout the month, awarded to players based on how much time they’ve spent playing the game.

Players who spend 35 or more hours playing Halo 4 multiplayer will get 100 Points ($1.25), players who spend 70 or more hours will get 300 Points ($3.75) and players who spend 140 or more hours will get 600 Points ($7.50). Eligibility began yesterday, on Halo 4’s release date, and runs through November 30th.

On top of that, players who spend Microsoft Points on Halo-related add-ons, avatar items, themes, Games on Demand or videos during November will receive a rebate, with players who spend 1500 Points getting back 100, and players who spend 3000 or more Points getting back 200. Any purchase between November 1st and November 30th is eligible, and a full list of qualifying items is available on Microsoft’s site.

The Halo 4 Combat Tour Offer comes just weeks after Microsoft announced the MyAchievements program, which offers rewards to players based on their achievements, including 1 and 2% rebates on Xbox Live Marketplace purchases.

Andrew Goldfarb is IGN’s associate news editor. Keep up with pictures of the latest food he’s been eating by following @garfep on Twitter or garfep on IGN.

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

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