Android Developers Office Hours - EMEA Edition

♦ by Unknown Friday 19 October 2012

Video Rating: 5 / 5

Join Nick Butcher, Adam Koch and Roman Nurik as they discuss various elements of Android Design. This week's they cover local video playback apps (2:50) and Android 4.1 rich notifications (17:26) before covering the latest news in Android Design (25:20). 4D supre-hi-res slides can be found here:

{ 32 comments... read them below or add one }

LeagueOfExtraordinary Trolls said...

my butthole is red

TheHackerzinside said...

i love hangouts like this

achedakaboyjerk said...


TheHackerzinside said...


Bayu Anggoromurti said...


Abdullah Al-jabbary said...

ya first

Mihailo Jovicic said...


TheRetroMelon said...

Hate it when they say "That's all the time we have".... it's just so much fun watching this show! :)

julbra18 said...

Well, most of the companys made a custom UI for their phones (TouchWiz, Sense, etc..) The "pure" Google Expierence you have with a Google phone, such as the GNex, Nexus S... This is called vanilla Android :)

ReassuringSmile said...

Is there a difference between phones who carry android OS? Example; I understand Galaxy S3 has 4.0, well what is the difference between that and another HTC phone that has 4.0?

sabret00the said...

Drats I missed the beginning as I was sitting on a screen saying it'd start soon. Not realising I had to click the thumbnail underneath.

Bayu Anggoromurti said...

wow. looks beautifull

IdoShamriz2951997 said...

And of course the whole it available?

Jose Ricaurte said...

The contextual action bar is my favorite implementation of interaction within an app. It feels so natural and there's no guessing as what you can do with any given element.

chirmann said...

Awesome :)

Joel Pedraza said...

It's hard to make out, but are there drag handles on the queue items?

IdoShamriz2951997 said...

Liked what you did on the tablet version :)

sinisan14 said...

whats after jelly bean?

androiddevelopers said...

Hi Lukas, we'll be sharing the entire slide deck with ultra high resolution images after the show. Sorry for the low res broadcast!

Najeeb Puthiyallam said...

Oooo Boring.. I will be back later :D

jungiejg said...

Yes Its Live

Najeeb Puthiyallam said...

Is it LIVE :D

sinisan14 said...

ICS or JB?

sinisan14 said...

ICS or JB?

Lukas Trombach said...

It would be great if the resolution would be higher or te phone bigger. Everything is too small to see it properly.

androiddevelopers said...

Hi Nick, we'll be back with 720p next week when we're back in the NewYork Studio and not using Hangouts On Air. Thanks!

Nick Shvelidze said...

Will you actually release this app? It looks awesome!

Cynthia Yildirim said...

Looks very pretty. :)

MilindaX said...

Android <3

patricia4405 said...

olá esse celular muito bom

Nick Shvelidze said...

Can you add 740p?

kIDdBg said...

gr8 if u got some feedback u can repost here:)

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